Modern Slavery Statement

Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking Statement

Here are the steps that Concept Recruitment Group Ltd have taken and continues to take to understand and minimise the potential risk of modern slavery in its business and supply chains.

This statement is published in line with section 54 (1) (2) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

Established in 2006, Concept Recruitment Group Ltd is now one of the UK’s leading labour providers, supporting a range of sectors including food production, logistics, & manufacturing. We pride ourselves in offering a compliant, ethical service to our clients and candidates operating within GLAA Licensing Standards.

At Concept Recruitment Group Ltd, we are committed to the principles of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and the abolition of modern slavery and human trafficking. We consider the prevention of Modern Slavery as one of our highest priorities and we have implemented the relevant checks, policies and procedures throughout our business to protect our candidates and clients from acts of Modern Slavery. These processes are paramount in allowing us to identify exploitation at the earliest stage. The checks we conduct to identify potential signs of Modern Slavery start right at the beginning of the recruitment process; we have a bespoke IT system that can check workers details when they are uploaded on our database, looking for patterns with other workers details such as duplicate telephone numbers, addresses, next of kin and bank details.

We have a central Compliance Team based at our Head Office whose key role is to train and regularly re-train our employees on “Spotting the Signs” of Modern Slavery and how to report any suspicions that they may encounter. We also share our training modules with clients and potential clients as part of our “best practice” approach to eradicating Modern Slavery.

Our Compliance Team also operate out in the field, visiting our Branches and On-site facilities conducting regular Worker Welfare Meetings, giving candidates and workers alike the opportunity to raise any concerns they may have in confidence, whilst ensuring compliance within our business. In addition, we operate a Modern Slavery confidential helpline number (Tel – 0333 320 1223) which is advertised on all noticeboards, and on all candidate pay slips.

As we work in partnership with Stronger Together, GLAA and ALP, all of our On-site facilities and Branches have Stronger Together and GLAA literature available for candidates which also informs them of contact details for other relevant authorities who can assist them if required such as Migrant Help, Hope for Justice & The Salvation Army.

As part of our on-going commitment to eradicating Modern Slavery, we have implemented the following policies:

  • Modern Slavery Remediation Policy
  • HR Policy on Preventing Hidden Labour Exploitation
  • Child Labour Remediation Policy
  • Human Rights Policy
  • Anti-Bribery & Corruption Policy
  • Equal Opportunities & Diversity Policy
  • Ethical Trading Policy
  • Whistleblowing Policy

Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking remains a high risk to businesses and supply chains and we are fully committed to continuously reviewing and taking the relevant steps to tackle Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking.

Duncan Heywood
Managing Director

February 2024

– This statement will be reviewed annually and may be amended from time to time –

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Haseldene House,
15 Upper York Street,
Wakefield, WF1 3LQ

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